Alistaire's Page

Professor Alistaire Stuart

Note: All items marked with * refer to items that are strictly from Uncanny X-MUSH and have no basis in Marvel's Canon.

Parents: Unknown at this time
Known Relatives: Alysande/Alysdane Stuart (sister - deceased)
Orig. Home: Scotland
Position: Parliament Liaison // Excalibur *
Game: Uncanny XMUSH Http: N
Created: May, 1995
VR Age: Somewhere near 30.
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 122 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
ICSO: Uhh, none. (yet) *blush*
Pix: One.

Professor Alistaire Stuart was born somewhere around 30 years ago in Scotland, with his twin sister Alysande (later known as Alysdane). The two kids were brought up in a typical Scottish environment. Alistaire quickly outstripped his sister in scientific achievements, quickly being shunted to prestige at Oxford, where he has garnered at least three doctorates already. However, the two siblings maintained an unusually close bond. Apparently, the two were able to finish each other's sentences and had an empathic bond. What one felt, the other could be aware of it. Still, their bond did not make them the same in every thing. For instance, when Mesmero captured Excalibur, Alistaire succumbed to him, but Alysande proved immune.

Alistaire and his sister have spent some time affiliated with the United Kingdom's resident superhero, Captain Britain, when Alistaire was Chief Scientific Advisor to the Weird Happenings Organization, of which Alysande was Brigadier. Alistaire retained contact with the UK superhero world when Shadowcat, Phoenix, and Nightcrawler, all formerly of the X-Men, banded together with Captain Britain and Meggan as Excalibur. His scientific mind was fired by the young Kitty Pryde's rebel intellect, while his hormones were fired by Rachel Summers'... uhh, physical attributes. Eventually, Rachel finally told him she wasn't interested and wasn't ever /going/ to be interested, so he has allowed his attention to focus on someone else, who doesn't know he's looking. *

Alistaire suffered a great tragedy somewhat recently. During a manor-warming party at Braddock Manor, Alysdane was killed by Jamie Braddock, the brother of Captain Britain and Psylocke of the X-Men, after she revealed to him that someone had framed her for treason in connection with SHIELD. Nick Fury of SHIELD attended Alysdane's funeral and gave Alistaire a lead as to who framed his sister. Alistaire tracked the lead to the offices of the RCX, allegedly a government group created for the benefit of the 'warpies', children born with genetic differences due to a spatial warp. Alistaire was captured by the people who ran 'Cloud Nine', the RCX's research facility, and Excalibur came to his rescue. He eventually decided to stay behind and help with the transition between the misguided leaders of the RCX and the honest workers there.

[ NOTE: The following information is UXM-related, and has no basis in the Marvel Canon. In the Canon, Alistaire was written out of the storyline with the above plotline. ]

These days, Alistaire can be found in London, spending his time resurrecting Excalibur on behalf of the English government. Parliament has become noticeably concerned about the presence of 'evil' super-powered beings cropping up all over the place, so they have ordered the young scientist to find the former members of the original team as well as new members for the team to prepare to combat this menace.

Most names and likenesses mentioned on this page are copyright 1995 Marvel Entertainment Group, and all are used without permission. Uncanny X-MUSH is a non-profit Multi-User Shared Hallucination set in the X-Men Universe that mirrors the Marvel Canon until the X-Cutioner's Song. All names and likenesses that are derived from the MUSH are property of the MUSH and its players.

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